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Karmic Love affairs and past life relationships,I am an expert in affairs of the heart. Of all the troubles that beset humanity none are as bad as feeling lost in love. I can help,just call.

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About Me

Fully versed in all forms of divination and prognostication including Tarot, Runes, Astrology, Numerology, Dream Interpretation, Horary Astrology, and Divination with Dice, (a well kept secret, very accurate for short term yes and no questions).

The traditions of Wicca and Shamanism, as well as the spirituality of her Native American heritage, have enriched her life and enhanced her skills, enabling her to offer guidance and hope to others in times of need or during periods of confusion.

My psychic skills are accurate and concise, most especially in questions involving Love and Relationships for which I utilize Tarot to begin. For career issues I offer solid guidance based on casting astrological, numerology and/or horary charts and referencing data specific to each person’s unique circumstances.

For more immediate results I use Divination with Dice which indicates the unfolding of daily events, within a 24 to 48 hour time period.

For an enlightening look at subconscious and subjective issues, Dream Divination brings deep healing, by merging subconscious thoughts into a clear focus in the conscious mind. Timing is quite a large part of dream analysis and as you become aware of the meaning of your dreams, events manifest.

My area of Psychic study, the area of spirituality that I love and cherishes on a deep and profound level is Life after Death and Reincarnation. I answer questions regarding this field of occult study in simple, easy to understand terms. I am Clairvoyant, (she hears, sees and speaks with those who have left their mortal bodies).

My work in this fascinating area is geared towards investigating, clarifying and explaining to those of us still living in our mortal bodies what Life and Love is like in the 4th Dimension, when we no longer have a mortal body of flesh and bones. I am  truly blessed to be able to explain the exact procedure of the soul leaving its mortal shell for the afterlife in simple and easy to understand terms.

So, no matter whether you are confused in love, worried about money, uncertain in a career matter, or missing a deceased loved one, it is my deepest pleasure to assist. If you have questions in life, love, money, career or the future outcome of any present circumstance, Wendy will answer these questions and more. I love what I do and I am here for you.

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