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20 years of experience collectively as a spiritual teacher, advisor, medium, tarot reader, empath, energy worker, and oracle. I am also an awakened natural born and certified intuitive with an MBA.

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About Me

I have over 20 years of experience as a spiritual advisor, life coach, intuitive, dream interpretor, tarot reader, and empath. My calling is to comfort, guide, and teach. I specialize in life mastery, balance, purpose, and path finding. With lifetimes of experience, I know how to find the awnsers you seek.

Have questions about love? I can give you names, descriptions, places, and dates. I can also tell you if your person of interest in a karmic, a soulmate, or a twin flame. To ensure accuracy, I often use multiple methods in my readings. My first go to method is to ask my father or my daughter in the spirit realm who both use my body as a pendulum. When asked a question, they either tell me yes or no by rocking my body. I also verify my readings with tarot cards and other forms of divination. 

Are you seeing repeated numbers such as 1111? If so, then you will understand what I mean when I tell you that I am awakened. I not only know who I am in this life, I also know who I was in past lives as well as the past lives of others. I can assist you in making sense of those nagging stagnant feelings. 

Many consider me wise, but wisdom does not come without sacrifice. Thus, I have the necessary experience to coach you through your life's challenges. Connect with me to find, align, and become the authentic version of yourself. 

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