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💫 30+ Years of Experience💫 Clairvoyant, Clairsentient 💫 Insight, Psychic Guidance, and Clarity 💫 Tarot & Oracle Card Reader, 💫 Life Coach, Reiki Master 💫 Relationship, Business, Personal Growth

Divine Guidance offers deep insights, channeled by me uniquely for you.

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About Me

I've served as a professional intuitive Energy Healer, Counselor, and Card Reader for over 30 years. My intuitive and empathic gifts surfaced in childhood at the age of 9, catalyzed by life-altering events that set me on a path of healing, soul discovery, and spiritual growth. Since age 19, I've delved into Parapsychology, card reading, pendulums, numerology, neuro-linguistic programming, crystal healing, natural therapies, meditation, and various metaphysical subjects. My pursuit of knowledge stems from a deep desire to unravel the mysteries of human existence and our interconnectedness.

Specializing in relationships, career, and spiritual journeys, I connect with your situation to offer support and guidance. I express myself gently and inspiringly, fostering compassion in your self-reflection and relationships. My ability allows me to perceive emotions on a profound spiritual level. Over the years, I've aided clients in finding clarity in romantic relationships, career decisions, and spiritual paths, believing that every experience presents an opportunity for growth.

In our interactions, I begin by tapping into your energy using guides, Tarot/Oracle cards, or at times, without tools. My passion lies in empowering you to recognize your worth, make decisions aligned with your true purpose, release blocks, and honor your heart's desires. Through shared experiences and wisdom gained from challenging times, I aim to show that even in difficult situations, opportunities for growth abound.

Certified in Reiki (Master/Teacher), NLP (Practitioner), Parapsychology, Psychology (Life Counseling Psychologist), Relaxation Instruction, and Reconnective Healing (Practitioner), I am also an internationally published author and artist, known for my card decks and card reading books.

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